Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bonnie and Clyde

I'm gonna start off and say that I didn't really enjoy Bonnie and Clyde as a gangster or crime film but more of a comedy. The movie really lacked any seriousness to it and depicted the gang as a bunch of idiots who could operate guns and rob banks. I still enjoyed parts of it but I did feel that the characters in it were poorly motivated and feel kind of flat. CW Moss seemed to be easily manipulated throughout the movie and felt really weak. I found how he was recruited into the gang to be a really strange scene, though why it just seems weird I don't know. Also I found Blanche Barrow to be incredibly annoying and really found it hard to enjoy scenes that had her in them.

Besides the characters the movie was really interesting. the cinematography was excellent, especially the scene with the bank teller climbing onto the getaway car only to get shot. The camera work overall was great, though the characters really didn't live up to the challenge of representing the gangsters and cops of the story.

1 comment:

  1. Jameson, the juxtaposition of violence and comedy is something we're used to (Quentin Tarantino, anyone?), but it was pretty shocking at the time.
